Friday, February 6, 2009

20 Things That I Love About Romania, and a Few Things I Don't...

I love....
1. Public transportation
2. My apartment, though I miss having roommates
3. The mountains
4. When my internet works
5. Cooking more than eating out
6. Public transportation
7. Walking wherever public transportation doesn't take me
8. The piata where they sell fresh fruits and veggies
9. The church I'm able to be a part of and the small group I've been going to
10. Public transportation
11. The language and the fact that I've been blessed to learn it not perfectly, but quickly
12. New opportunities that are presenting themselves
13. Did I say public transportation???
14. That I've lost weight since I got here...Maybe by the time I'm done I will be back to my pre-college weight
15. New friends
16. When it snows
17. Beautiful days like today, when the sky is blue and the sun is what is supposed to be "the middle of Winter"...
18. Spiritual growth that I have experienced
19. That I'm not the only person that plays games on my cell phone on the metro
20. Oh yeah, and public transportation...

I don't love...
1. Nasty stuff on the sidewalks
2. Feeling like I have to push people out of the way in the grocery store
3. Getting pushed out of the way
4. When people talk fast because they think I'm fluent in their language
5. Not having roomies
6. When my internet doesn't work


Erin said...

I'm glad everything is going well for you Angela! Just wanted to let you know I have your postcard on my fridge and I say a little prayer for you each time I see it. May God continue to bless your work in Romania!

Amanda said...

LOL. I love & hate similar things about Japan. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION ROCKS! Except the fact that you have to carry all of your groceries home, and anything else you buy, as well as whatever you think you'll need that day. But other than that, I love public transportation, too!

Keep the faith. God is giving you such great opportunities to serve Him!